I am a Research Fish Biologist with the USDA-ARS Warmwater Aquaculture Research Unit. My research primarily centers on the ecology of snails and other macroinvertebrates in catfish aquaculture ponds and how this subsequently impacts catfish production. My research interests cover a wide breadth of aquatic ecology including macroinvertebrate and fish community structures, species interactions, predator-prey interactions, as well as general ecology and life histories. I also have a strong interest in educational research, particularly in how note-taking effects information retention in the classroom.
PhD in Forest Resources - Wildlife, Fisheries, and Aquaculture (Secondary Education), 2020
Mississippi State University
MS in Biology, 2015
Murray State University
BSc in Fisheries/Aquatic Biology (Chemistry), 2013
Murray State University
Investigating the diversity and community structures in food fish and fingerling catfish production ponds
Seeking control of trematode parasite risk in catfish aquaculture by managing the snail intermediate host.
Masters thesis research investigating the diet overlap of four sympatric gar species (Family Lepisosteidae) in western Kentucky.
Evaluating the use of Gambusia spp. as a dead-end host for Henneguya ictaluri, the causative parasite of Proliferative Gill Disease (PGD).
Using morphometric analysis to evaluate taxonomic designation of trematode parasites of the genus Apharyngostrigea.
My doctoral research investigating the eco-epidemiology of atypical Aeromonas hydrophila in farm-raised catfish.
A collaboration with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Mississippi State University to assess the health of small streams of northeastern Mississippi.
An outreach project to teach urban high school students the skills and importance of monitoring stream health using water quality and macroinvertebrate communities.
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